Strategic Negotiation Course

Next Start Date: April 1, 2025

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Negotiations aren’t limited to sales, contracts or interviews. The ability to negotiate effectively is a foundational skill for professionals of every type and industry. We negotiate frequently with internal and external customers, suppliers, employees, department leaders, bosses and more. Those who work in supply chain management negotiate the best deals for procurement and sourcing needs. Change managers must gain support for new ideas. And we all use negotiating skills and their counterpart, conflict resolution, to navigate the ups and downs of various kinds of relationships and situations.

In this 100% online course, you’ll strengthen your skill sets in intra-organizational, team, multi-party and cross-cultural negotiations. You’ll learn how to identify negotiation opportunities, address conflicts and gain an understanding of the unique challenges that exist when individuals, groups and organizations face potential or existing conflict. Through participation in role-playing negotiation exercises with your peers in class, you’ll explore a broad spectrum of negotiation strategies, new tactics to solve ongoing differences and models for securing cooperation and agreement in competitive environments.

What You’ll Learn

Negotiations Basics and Negotiation Styles

  • Identify what constitutes negotiation and which negotiations to engage in or avoid
  • Define fundamental concepts and explain how they relate to each other: BATNA, issue, position, resistance point, and zone of agreement
  • Apply the best negotiation styles to employ in a given negotiation context

Distributive Negotiations and Hardball Tactics

  • Describe how information is used in distributive negotiations
  • Identify sources of leverage for both sides and set an appropriate target by considering relative leverage
  • Determine when and how to make first offers and concessions
  • Identify and respond to different hardball tactics

Integrative Negotiations

  • Identify potential ethical issues in negotiations and discuss moral reasoning to guide decision making on ethical issues
  • Know the legal criteria used to assess fraud
  • Recognize the challenges in detecting deception and describe potential responses to someone you suspect is being deceptive
  • Identify and define biases in perception and cognition and describe how biases can affect negotiations
  • Contrast effects of positive and negative emotions on negotiations and describe how emotions affect memories of a situation

Planning Process and Evaluating Success in Negotiations

  • List the components of negotiation planning and create a structured plan for a negotiation
  • Identify various measures of success in negotiation

Ethical Issues, Cognitive Biases, and Emotion in Negotiation

  • Identify potential ethical issues in negotiations and discuss moral reasoning to guide decision making on ethical issues
  • Know the legal criteria used to assess fraud

Communication and Conflict Management

  • Describe best practices for communicating in negotiations
  • Identify common missteps in communication and evaluate the effectiveness of different communication modes
  • Describe the components of Ury’s Barriers and Breakthroughs model and apply breakthrough strategies to a specific negotiation
  • Distinguish between third-party options and describe the pros and cons of each; apply third-party principles to mediate conflicts between employees

Teams and Multiparty Negotiations

  • Explore the complexities that arise when moving from two-party to multiparty negotiations and explore the role of coalitions in group negotiations
  • Discuss the pros/cons of voting rules

Cross-Cultural Negotiations

  • Identify cultural dimensions and their impact on negotiations
  • Review Weiss’s familiarity-dependent strategy for cross-cultural negotiations
  • Review course content to identify relevant and useful lessons for the future

Who Should Register?

The Strategic Negotiation course is relevant to a wide spectrum of professionals who seek to maximize their outcomes and build partnerships in a variety of business situations. The program is open to anyone interested in gaining and improving their negotiation tools and skills. The course is a required course for completing the Master Certificate in Advanced Procurement Management. It is offered as an elective or add-on for other certificate programs as well.


8 Week Course

Negotiations Basics and Negotiation Styles
  • Meaning of Negotiation and Deciding Whether to Negotiate
  • Bargaining Basics
  • Negotiation Styles
  • Negotiation Exercise: Biopharm Seltek Negotiation
Distributive Negotiations and Hardball Tactics
  • Distributive Negotiations: Leverage and Target Setting
  • Distributive Negotiations: Information, Offers, Concessions, and Closing
  • Hardball Tactics
Integrative Negotiations
  • Integrative Negotiations: Defining the Problem and Understanding Interests
  • Integrative Negotiations: Generating Solutions That Create Value
  • Aids and Obstacles to Integrative Negotiations
  • Negotiation Exercise: Negotiation
Planning Process and Evaluating Success in Negotiations
  • The Planning Process
  • Evaluating Success in Negotiations
Ethical Issues, Cognitive Biases, and Emotion in Negotiation
  • Ethical Issues in Negotiation
  • Defining Fraud
  • Detecting Deception
  • Cognitive Biases in Negotiation
  • Emotion in Negotiation
  • Negotiation Exercise: Summer Interns Negotiation
Communication and Conflict Management
  • Communicating Effectively
  • Communication Modes
  • Managing Difficult Negotiations
  • Using Third Parties
Teams and Multiparty Negotiations
  • Negotiation Complexities
  • Negotiation Teams and Group Negotiation Process
Cross-Cultural Negotiations
  • International Negotiations
  • Summary of Best Practices

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Pay Online With A Credit Card

If you’re going to pay by credit card, you can either get started with installment payments or pay in full. Just let your enrollment representative know the option that work best for you.

Pay in Full: $2,040 or Flexible payment options available

Corporate and Military Tuition Assistance

  1. Corporate and Military TA

    Corporate tuition assistance is paid by your employer. You will need to provide appropriate forms for processing, prior to enrollment. Air Force tuition assistance is available for active-duty service members. You will need to provide a valid military tuition assistance voucher. Both TA options are subject to employer benefit policies.

  2. Deferred Corporate TA

    Pay tuition now and have your employer reimburse you. Additional documentation will be needed to process this payment. Subject to employer benefit policies.

Military Benefits

Active Duty

Michigan State offers a 15% savings, per certificate course, to active-duty servicemembers, Guardsmen and Reservists (upon verification of military status).


Michigan State offers a 15% savings, per certificate course to veterans (upon verification of military status).

Spouses and Family

Michigan State offers a 15% savings, per certificate course, to active-duty servicemembers, veterans, Guardsmen, Reservists and their spouses and dependents (upon verification of military status).

If you are interested in learning more about the steps you need to complete payment, please contact a Student Success Representative. This reduction is valid off the standard tuition fee rate of the listed courses offered by Michigan State University with online administration by Bisk. This reduction is not stackable with other reductions, and you may not use this reduction in conjunction with other reductions.

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Our representatives are here to assist you.